uttar likhana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. According to the answer given to that question, Spain appears very different faces 2. Beidelman)? At these various problems, the list is not closed naturally, the anthropologist must seek, not a general answer, but the answer that suits the particular case under consideration 3. He died in the most complete solitude, having found someone who accepts his views, no one to answer to his desires to found a group, the same person to succeed him in Tamanrasset 4. How can the current France escape this fate? That is the question being asked today to the French, because it is they, and they alone, who can provide the answer 5. How such a civilized nation that Germany had been able to undertake such a barbaric war, that was the question to which liberal ideology, dominant in the United States, had not been able to find an answer

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